Ping Liu

Ping Liu
Web Developer

  • Alsättersgatan 5C LGH 1106 SE-584 35 LINKÖPING SWEDEN
  • +46 073 722 73 14


July 2013 - June 2014

Junior Software Developer
Tecent (Beijing, China)

  • Work as a junior developer and architect to develop part of the backend admin system for Weibo advertisement platform. The system can gather and deal with more than 20,000,000 records every day, and show them in the appropriate form on Website. Design and implement backend monitor system to auto gather, process, monitor and recovery data, Use Crontab, Linux, Hadoop, MySQL, Redis, Apache, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, Highcharts and Bootstrap.

Sep 2012 - Feb 2013

Web Developer
Lab from School of Software (Harbin, China)

  • Work as a web designer and developer to develop the websites of LJ bank’s backend admin system. More than 20 web pages and load by meeting the specify requirements of page style and authority management. Test (Qunit), optimize (YSlow) and compress (Uglify) JavaScript files. Use Mockup, JavaScript, JQuery, DataTable, JQuery UI and EasyUI.

June 2012 - July 2012

Neusoft(DaLian, China)
Lab from School of Software (Harbin, China)

  • Work as the leader of a project developing Enterprise Material Management including design architecture, develop the base library and process management based on software development cycle. Use starUML, Java, Struts, Spring, Ajax and SQLServer 2008.


Sep 2015 - now

Linköping University, Sweden
Exchange student in Computer Science

Sep 2014 - June 2016

Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Master in Software Engineering

Sep 2010 - June 2014

Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Bachelor in Software Engineering


Software Knowledge

  • Design Pattern
  • Algorithms
  • Software Architecture
  • Network
  • DataBase
  • Software Quality
  • Computer Graphics


  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Java
  • NodeJS
  • MySQL